English vs Local Language Maps

(Im Newsletter für Deutsch bitte runterscrollen)

Over the last 2 months I invested a load of time to optimize the language / codepage handling of the OpenMTBMaps and VeloMaps.

I had originally implemented a very complicated system trying to make any map also usable for non native speakers of the local language – or people not able to read e.g. arabic or kyrillic. In the end this was a rather big mess even though it kinda worked for many countries.

Now I’ve changed this – there are local language maps – which are in local language and local script – as well as maps in english for any country that does not primarily use latin script.

Also all continent maps (except Antarctica and North America which are anyhow english speaking) are now available in English or local Language. South-America/Central America english maps will be available for download starting tomorrow.

The theory of how it should work is laid out below – if you find things not working drop a comment. Especially if you find OSM keys which are not implemented yet and would help in improving the map translations.

Map Updates:

Maps that are not available in English – […]

All Windows Downloads are now code signed

Since Yesterday all Winodws (.exe) downloads are now code signed. Lately Windows has increased their security measures for Internet Explorer and Edge quite a lot (Smartscreen) and it became difficult to open/run any of the maps if downloaded by Edge or IE. Similar to Nortons Reputation system (which is even worse rubbish) Windows only trusts downloads which are downloaded very very often. (like 10.000 times in a month) – this resulted in basically only the mtbgermany and velogermany map to be saved without security warnings. Now such a mechanism is not smart at all. The only way to overcome this is to buy a code signing certificate (not that easy actually with the background checks) and sign all downloads. This makes primarily sense if downloads can be done from several servers – and that way you can check the downloads content has not been changed (if you would open up e.g. Firefox download and check if the certificate is from Mozilla – because smartscreen could still be easily fooled by just changing the download and putting a different security certificate). Additional advantage is that if the download is incomplete/corrupt you would also get a warning (could be simply done […]