New Contourlines for Europe Continent map – and many European countries

After about 2 years time I’ve updated the Europe contourlines again. As they are a separate download, and each update may cause confusion – I only update them if there are significant improvements in the altitude data.

The following countries have seen major updates:

Germany (especially the Länder of Brandenburg, Sachsen, Bayern)

Great Britain (especially England, Wales, Northern Ireland – Scotland doesn’t have LIDAR data yet as underlying data)

The North of Ireland




Some other countries have seen small updates. Also as mkgmap the map compiler was improved – the data size of the contourlines has decreased by about 10% even if the details are still identical.

While under Windows for the Europe continent map the installer will complain if you try to install the Europe map without the updated contourlines download – under macOS you will have to update manually and not forget about it.


I’ve incorporated all altitude data from Sonny that was published since the last updates:

(where there is no LIDAR based data by Sonny, as always I use ALOS World 3D as the main altitude data, and viewfinderpanoramas data for the areas north of N60 and South of S60).

Sorry for No Map Updates the Last 3 Weeks – and Happy Birthday -10 years

Map Updates overdue for 3 Weeks

First of all a big big sorry – the last map updates are overdue for 3 weeks. This is the first time ever that there have been no map updates for such a long long time! I’m right now trying quite hard to learn Chinese – and so in May I spent 4 weeks in China. It was a nice trip – however 2 days after arriving the map compilation server (it’s completely independent of the website server) got hacked and encrypted. The attackers must have used one of the several Windows RDP bugs (a brute force attack on the password seems highly unlikely). This is the first time one of my servers actually got hacked in 10 years. Now had I been in anywhere else in the world (but China, Cuba or North Korea) fixing this and setting up the server from scratch would have been pretty easy. Being in China and needing to pass the notoriously slow Chinese great firewall – I could not fix it.

There has been no breach of any user data (the data is on another server). Also there were no compromitted maps or anything harmful uploaded (just […]